Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thumb Indez And Pinky Sign


On both courses, Ms. Denis is the challenge of tracing in outline the history of rhetoric, its ancient origins to today sorbonnards. Following the strike, she posted a plan his course on e- curriculum.

In ancient times, we wondered how to explain the birth of rhetoric? It is a story of the origins of rhetoric as Tekne -> really has a very long history (although this remains a story!). We are in Sicily in the fifth century BC -> regime of tyranny -> 2 tyrants were the leaders. During their tenure, had conducted dispossession. BUT in -465, the tyrants were expelled! How to reallocate the land? There is no physical evidence of property: there is evidence that ... -> Many trials were held between true owner and thieves: the most persuasive managed to win! However, there was a disciple of Empedocles (a philosopher of Agrigento) called Corax : it was soon realized that he must develop transmission techniques well know to persuade ...

This story shows us that rhetoric is the daughter of philosohie and it is bound up with the right. Research also shows that the likelihood .


I Athens: cradle of rhetoric.
1) Plato against the sophists.

See Gorgias and Protagoras (Plato)
¤ Athens, Rhaeto arrival because of trade with the colonies in the fifth century -> Works well for democracy with decisions taken by the meeting ( ekklesia). In addition, during the trial, there is no lawyer: we therefore call ourselves.
¤ Rhaeto is taught in the fifth century by the so-called early sophists. Would they then holds a " sophia? They come from throughout the Greek world and found particular:
-> Protagoras
friend of Pericles, specializing in controversy = eristic. Teaches that, on any subject, one is able to speak FOR and AGAINST -> is a valid technique.
-> Gorgias :
Known for inventing the art of prose (note this is not Greek poetry ... We always talk about "work Gorgianis" for prose very orénée) + paradoxical praise through Praise of Helen normally reprehensible and shows us a Helen rent. It's all the same virtuosity.
¤ Opposite these sophists, there are speakers, not. a super-known Isocrates (IVth century). For him, the Rhaeto must support morality. Absolutely necessary to educate the public. It is not necessarily the view and the most attractive, in addition, there is less virtuosity.
¤ At the same outage when there is a great philosopher in Athens, Plato's -> + the reproaches made possible with the virulent Rhaeto! Must discuss and admit as the absence of truth in the Rhaeto, it is only a pseudo-truth. Plato is thus demonizing Rhaeto. Place much his dialogue around the issue of lies: the Rhaeto would do as cosmetics!
2) The response of Aristotle.
It requires a philosophical shift: it abandons the metaphysical background -> radically different system that will allow the Rhaeto output of the impasse. Indeed, it has nothing to say about the truth stands legitimized in the pragmatic philosophy. It can be used well or badly then.
Aristotle is the author of a Rhetoric, a work belonging to the comprehensive system established by Aristotle's organon = . The Rhetoric is just one element.
We will be in a technical possibility. Rhetoric = art of finding in each case the persuasive (basic definition!) -> How to relate the rhetoric to the argument.
should also Aristotle the difference between evidence and review the implementation of this.
3) Further and new paths.
a) Legal Arguments.
-> the "event" -> what? Camouflage is a beginning ... Is it a disguise? Happens between s-II avt + II century BC and AD. Great representatives = Hermagoras and Hermogenes.
b) Other tracks.
Depart on elocutio and dispositio especially with a reflection on the best. Representative = Theophrastus who tries to define the differences in styles, with similarities but also differences.
c) The question of the sublime.
see pseudo-Longinus and the Sublime Treaty.
II Model Roman: Cicero the Orator.
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We are not yet at the time, in imperial times.
Curriculum honorum -> you access to more senior posts being passed through different responsibilities (+ high as senator).
1) Rhetorica Herennius.
Contemporary Cicero but not him.
first directory of figures of speech in particular.
2) Cicero.
* The Orator.
* From oratione.
Cicero is not a specialist in rhetoric (see list of his works on Wikipedia ). He is a politician. For him, the best speakers are the philosophers. He is, for Cicero (quoting Cato):
"Vir bonus dicendi Peritus"
= good man expert in the art of speech.
3) Quintilian: a pedagogical sum.
13-volume collection in Bude!
institution oratory (= IO in the citations).
long this text is to serve as a handbook of rhetorical ideal.
III The second sophistic rhetoric or triumphant.
A whole new generation in Imperial Rome, anchoring itself in the context of the Pax Romana .
Who are they? Already, great servants of the state, great teachers and ... people show! Because sometimes go on show. At that time, it serves more effectively to argue democratically.
is essentially the kind that is deliberative majority. It also said it was then that the literature arises because there is a reflection on fiction.
IV entered the Christian world.
Man: Saint Augustine of Hippo. (Read his biography on wikiKto )

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Before his conversion, had received training rhetoric. Converts and the question of Plato comes down to it ... Does it have a meaning when the truth revealed?
Already, for him, Christianity must draw the faithful: it's about being a "soldier of God! And it is not with weapons but with words -> Christianity he has a role to play -> De doctrina christiana See (Book IV) -> we can consider this book as the last of the old rhetoric and the first of the new rhetoric which are sacred rhetoric. In addition, there is a link with the plain language of parables.
¤ massive legacy.
¤ legacy MS constantly questioned -> Lack of rigidity.
¤ We will not talk about the Middle Ages here nor in the next chapter: the M-to minimal interest in Rhaeto -> m-â is more interested in the dialectic. Nevertheless, it is a lack in our journey ...


I The Renaissance redistribution.
From the late fourteenth century, one begins to look ancient manuscripts (Italy being well ahead of other countries) -> it's capital to understand. They rediscovered the texts we read no further!
fifteenth century : The world is Christian, but devastated. In Europe, there is a broad movement with attention to religious stirrings + Reformation Counter-Reformation.
II centuries classical presence and disputes.
1) The model Jesuit.
The idea of the Counter-Reformation is to bring souls tempted by the Reformation -> need to win back the faithful. A big order: the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits or sj) is going to give a Jesuit education: the Ratio Studiorum (1599) harmonizing the programe for all the Jesuit schools. It provide a class in rhetoric than 2 years to 15-16 years. Those who do not become jèzes often stop just after: large common core of training.
The Jesuits are the great teachers-facilitators of the time! Y flowering textbooks côtéen more!
2) Rhetoric and civility: the World School.
See The courtier Castiglione (1528)
Reflection on the ideal courtier .. Including the actum , being polite, be gracious but we see Technical below. Must know adapt to the caller -> flowering of etiquette manuals.
In 1630, The honest man or the art of pleasing the court in France -> all directly descended from the rhetoric! Worldly sort of rhetoric that define ALait long politeness rules.
3) new models.
¤ A new definition del'éloquence is taking place gradually.
"True eloquence makes fun of eloquence" (Pascal)
To understand the need to relate the thought of the sublime (the Treaty of Longinus has been translated by Boileau), which is anti-rhetoric.
¤'s side of Port-Royal: teaching breaks with tradition with rhetoric and proposals of the Jesuits. their major theorists Pierre Nicole, Lancelot, Fleury let us grammar and logic . They believe that students who learn through their rhetoric = heart sclerosing education -> must be based on reason! (The base is Descartes). There is a critical commonplaces, rather radical (this being, they are very few ...). And we find this kind of criticism among Encyclopedists -> + this, their reflection on the language will be haunted by the question of the origin of language.
¤ Revolution wanted to break with tradition, aristocratic eloquence -> natural speech of a citizen is the eloquence of the man in action. And yet ... Great speakers demonstrate that culture of rhetoric!
III The contemporary period: the restoration to oblivion.
1) 3 steps.
¤ Counter-Revolution = Restore -> rhetoric is his world! So some renaissance there, with nostalgia for the ancien regime.
¤ Se CONSTITUTION modern Republican school, at first, working hand in hand with the church have to spread them -> Rhetoric has its place in education. The first is called "rhetoric."
¤ Dismantling of the classics: gravediggers are among Gustave Lanson, completely positivist Rhaeto unhelpful! Possibly a bit of literary history because in a context, the positivistic way.
1902: Rhaeto class is débaptisée!
The writer is desirable -> no longer needs to be justified -> "Art for Art" with Parnassiens -> Literature takes its autonomy. We are no longer in "the utile dulci" !
"Felix who miscere potuit utile dulci" (Horace)
So, change of context.
2) The reasons for increasing disrepute.
There is suspicion that kind of objectivity cete forms of discourse. Meanwhile, there is the substitution of the print and oral.
This period coincides with a distrust of large face + in + ancient languages. They accuse the culture that gave ancient languages -> culture too focused on imitation? It is true that Rhaeto used to reproduce the ancient exercises ...
See The Third Republic of Letters A. COMPANION.
The purpose of the texts will be the analysis: emergence of Literary Reviews (oh joy!) -> Lanson believes that to from a lesson. The background will be:
- no longer want an elitist culture -> bad humanistic culture.
- we move to secularism -> jèzes be the major enemy, which would degrade humanity.
Lanson is sometimes caught in bad faith: he uses the rhetorical arsenal but more to produce, to analyze. In addition, he has detractors, including Brunetiere -> to him, prose and literature are oratorical
But Lanson who won. In 1968, Barthes gave a course on ancient Rhaeto College de France -> his research and his courses, takes a long article of 50 pages "The old rhetoric: checklist," says it all ... It feels to rediscover and reinvent!
IV A new news?
1) Some precursors.
Some have quickly understood the value of rhetoric.
¤ Paul Valery has also held a professorship at the Collège de France -> professor of poetry. He maintains rhetoric.
¤ Nietzsche: Here is the point Philosophically they are interested -> including the Sophists. There's not a "self" of the truth.
"Truths are illusions which we have Oulie that they are metaphors that have lost their strength significantly."
¤ PAULHAN: in the Flowers of Tarbes -> Praise the rhéot flowers, not with ... praise platitudes. However, part of the NRF is therefore to the forefront. He called all this "literary Terror."
2) A renaissance?
mere fact that this course exists is proof that yes, and in other universities.
Prestige of Rhaeto is back and its operability. She emerged a new area of operation. But what?
- 1st condition: very strong suspicion in respect of a pseudo-objectivity ... which is not possible!
- 2nd condition: renunciation of absolute subjectivity, whether in magazines, experiments. We can no longer believe that the individual is master of his words. 2 influences there: Marxist ideology (with packaging) and psychoanalysis (we are a subject that escapes itself).
- the third condition: the displacement model of communication. There's a force in the irrational discourse -> cf. propaganda -> to combat it, will have to understand how it works and then fight on his land.
Yes, a renaissance but it's not a roll-alike -> it can not be taught at school of rhetoricians. We went for a reflection on rhetoric to reflect on rhetoricity.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Prices For Bowling At Amf

CM 1 French literature of the twentieth century

Courses provided by Morgan: we thank him here very much!

NB: This course focuses on the book by Jean Giraudoux: Siegfried et le Limousin.

Literature xx s
CM of 8.10

-Giraudoux: surprising rout ... Albert Tibaudet: "Mr. Giraudoux has an original vision of things." ~
he uses the art of allusion
-G is a novelist (major work) and a playwright ~ triumph on every stage thanks to his association with Louis Jouvet. It generates ac-
S. and L. the attention of Proust and Sartre. Work seems
-Untimely Meditation ~ search the preciousness
-key to the fate of Europe
-Written after 14-18
-Met stage France and Germany that will determine the fate of Europe.
-War intimately present
-S and L s directs heads about literary representations of France.
-Theatre of Europe: Teatrum mundi
-intellectual debates of the period between two wars:
1.Culture and Civilization
2.The this cosmopolitanism
-Europe: The European journal, The Journal Germanic, French La Nouvelle Revue. ..
-born segment end 19 ac Dreyfus Affair ~ ravage of cosmopolitanism
-Paule Bourget , Cosmopolis
-1914, debate, culture and civilization: T. Mann: Death in Venice, Consideration of an apolitical. In-
follows two other subparts
-1) Early in the novel: part of Paris, located in Montparnasse, the bohemian artists ...
-Prat and Zenden figures refer to real people:
Prat = Marie Laurencin
Zeltem = ~ Karl Einstein brings dark side: was German Jewish anarchist communist, committed suicide in 1940 to escape Nazism

Biography Born
in 1882 in Bellac Haute Vienne ~ acquires a mythological value. His father is a civil servant. Giraudoux welcomes the provincial childhood with ambivalence ~ svnr autobiography is silent, he wants' s escape. He built a myth of his childhood, brought together heads Bellac characteristics of provincial life. Then conquer Paris and the world. Model pupil at school Lakanal Seals. Gde Grec.1904 knowledge of al-1907 Fails' are aggregated as made by Parisian life. His teacher Charles Andele encouraged to leave for All. He spent a year, frequent cafes, theater. He travels the All and Central Europe, literary and artistic friendship with U.S.: Amica america.
He does not want to teach, takes a diplomatic career. Rate the assistance of Foreign Affairs tries chancery contest. 1910 diplomat sedentary Administration in Paris, is ambassador. He meets Grasset in 1909 closely until his death. Grasset will shape the career of G.
It is a dandy who hides behind his pride to protect against failures. Wounded pride = trait. Sent to Asia Minor, injured in 1917, he knows the horrors of war gde.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cuts On Roof Of Mouth


For his first course, Ms. Denis is proposing a general introduction to this module, closely combining two subjects that are in fact many other borders.

Rhetoric and stylistics. This " and" wants to issue ...

¤ stylistic Is discipline, technique, etc.? At least it's a practice around the "style". The word is out, taken from the German in the late eighteenth century. Ona said that the style often took over when the exhausted rhetoric. Chronological filiation? Questionable ...

¤ They gather around a discursive strategy . Both are wondering how the text carries the accession of his reader or hearer. Membership ... Is this the equivalent of persuasion? Is it really similar?

¤ 2 questioned argument and are invited to question the veracity => match?

¤ What effects do they produce? What's going on? What results are we? Why can we be upset by a text?

¤ situation of utterance: part is important. What justifies the taking of words?

¤ Reflection image builded from a text. Produces a text representation of its utterer -> it will also develop strategies for this.

A direct link between rhetoric and stylistic poses many problems. It seems better to think of their relationship as a dialogue.
¤ From the moment we reflect from downstream to upstream, we can only have a teleological view, with a pseudo-extinction inevitable rhetoric -> FALSE, the very existence of this course the watch!
¤ Furthermore, heterogeneous dating! And the rhetoric has nonetheless 25 centuries behind it.
¤ There are also journals and learned societies of rhetoric.
¤ The purpose, again, is not the same. Djéà stylistic practice (although saying it is too limited) with only a small common area with rhetoric: the elocutio . We must therefore go beyond when we speak of "style" -> should not be a simplistic view but rather as ornamentation registration (etymological meaning) -> to escape the impasse.
¤ Finally, their plans differ. Rhetoric is primarily a technical prodction speeches, writing; While the practice of stylistic analysis that does not cause us to write! So much difference anyway. However, rhetoricians have theorized one second rhetorical analysis.
Rhetoric is an art of speech (art seen as ars, know-how latin), persuasive -> but not for nothing and with means -> it's a reflection contextualized , focusing mainly on reflection.

CAUTION: Do not fall into the mode "toolbox" with a text.
In late antiquity and the Middle Ages with the scholastic education students are doing in the liberal arts, to the detriment of the mechanical arts.








Dialectic (dia logos)

Music (Science Harmony)


What differentiates ?

What unites them?

-> they are opposed to mathematical reasoning with the premises are true / Their premise is ignorance.
-> In addition, terms in conflict with contradictin 2.

MS is in this last point that there are differences.

1) On the discursive situations.

¤ dialectic: first a verbal battle with blows of arguments with an audience (the disputatio ). There is actually a situation of dialogue, or hesitations after agonistic dialogue with a "pro" and "contra". Defense of a thesis by a defendant with the other seeking to eliminate the other's arguments (without trying to show that reason itself).

¤ rhetoric: it does not stage the two parties, there is no dialogue, no argument in turn.

2) On the application areas and procedures.

¤ Dialectic:
-Treaty of general propositions, theses (t Hesis , what poses) that are inherently unreliable, but probable (= which can demonstrate to the etymological sense)
-S ' imposes a rather demanding specifications with, for example, a sequence worked with different arguments. The protocol is very strict. It should not be there errors or cheating.

eg All men are mortal, Socrates is a man of gold, therefore Socrates is mortal.
It is a syllogism without fault, but there may be landslides sophisticated ...
¤ Rhetoric
-Treaty of particular proposals, no = general assumptions. Are plausible but not verifiable.
-To gain the support, knows she will need another thing.
IDEAL MODEL = enthymeme
Leaves ccl pending (membership + strong) or very picked on himself.
ex: "I love you fickle would I have done faithful?" (Racine)
¤ Related trivium.
- Initially, grammar = B-ABA speech. But if we confine ourselves here, where is the friction?
- Very quickly, the grammar was extended to science texts, philology . We went from studying the letter written to the letter text and implementation theories.
- Thus, the notion of linguistic correctness has emerged from ancient Greece -> it's an assessment tool. But that is no stranger to the rhetoric ... -> To be intelligible, must comply with the Code is prevalent where a triad which is stated early:
Correction - Clarity - Clarity of language
It commits
correction together with grammar. MS is a precondition for it. As for the grammar is a goal.
¤ Figures: grammar could only make out that the lapses of grammar and figures of speech: she has studied grammatically figures. Rhetoric, she studies them systematically.
¤ Poetics = very ambiguous term.
-Aristotle had distinguished in his Poetics : *
the historian in charge on the facts certified. *
speaker: do not deal with facts certified -> it is engaged in the debate even though this can take care of past, present or future. *
the poet is not engaged in a news item, they constructed possible ("fiction")
When Aristotle wrote his Rhetoric , and especially interested in evidence to a sul-type evidence, es technical evidence, ie, those that engage the expertise of the speaker.
- The focal point is that 2 interested in art of the verb. They were quickly in contact. Thus, one can think of fiction ... in rhetorical terms. Furthermore, very quickly, poetics was forced to take over concepts that were not of its origin (eg to speak this or that character so likely) -> reflection on the effect, not . around the pathos -> rhetoric raises the question: "What causes that I slarmes" eg.
¤ Rhetoric therefore reflect on the passions of => all treatises on rhetoric have a chapter devoted to them.
-> What is the PLCE of poetics in the trivium? No space under ... So we reduced it and called "art of rhetoric 2nd.
-> What is "the great rhetoricians? Well, actually ... the great poets!
-> You can not do without the assumption that at the rhetoric has poeticized. Was first impoverish when degeneration of democratic regimes. He still has the pleasure of beautiful words, paradoxes: when more political issue, it remains an aesthetic issue . Thus, there was plenty of time treated of the Renaissance who say that => all the background logic is gone.
The contact points are very important between rhetoric and philosophy (+ stylistics):
- Reflections on the fallacies from Locke and over all strategies false paradoxical + (A + non-A).
- contractual dimension of politics: to be a civil civilization, we can not do by force, should lead to accession but not in a misleading way.
- Around epistemology, History of Science may be simplistic to think of science as a reflection verifiable at all times -> it may need to rhetorical devices.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Raven Riley Christmas Stream

Link interesting for our study Joephtias

In "ancient heritage and modern literature," we Joephtias program, designed by Jakob Balde, SJ, that is to say Jesuit.

By browsing the net, I found an interesting article titled "Ad Imaginem. Articles, functions and uses of the image in the spiritual literature of the seventeenth century Jesuit." It is a question that a review of a work more complex, but that may be interesting in our study.

I give you all references:

Isabelle Saint-Martin, "Ad Imaginem. Articles, functions and uses of the image in the spiritual literature of the seventeenth century Jesuit ", Archives of Social Sciences of Religions, 138 (2007), posted September 11, 2007. URL: http://assr.revues.org/document5942.html .

Dragon Ball Doujinshi In English


Like last year for former French, here is a blog for sharing during this time but more broadly: all the materials H1 license 3 are concerned!

Everyone is of course welcome to participate! Feel free to comment on a particular course: it helps complete the note taking.

Although studiously (???),