Saturday, November 27, 2010

Birthday Presents No Money

Puppet of Desire: The Doll Kokoschka , Helen Frederick

In 1918, the painter Oskar Kokoschka going crazy ordering a young seamstress and costume drama Munich, named Hermine Moos realizes he wants her for himself a replica - A doll-size - Alma Mahler, his former mistress, whom he has remained deep in love (Alma Mahler, widow of composer Gustav Mahler, is in its relationship with Kokoschka the second wife of architect Walter Gropius) . This biographical episode is historically proven authentic, the doll-effigy of Alma Mahler was indeed commissioned by Oskar Kokoschka to Hermine Moos (she was even delivered, and it was used).

The doll Kokoschka , the beautiful novel of Helen Frederick , his first (published by Vertical early 2010), adopts the perspective of the young artist costume, giving us to read, dated the day of writing, the pages of secret diary she kept during the implementation of this very strange order - a diary in which she do not trust only working papers, but the torrent of his inner thoughts. If the order is so unreasonable, that Kokoschka that he does not want to book a simple doll-size woman, but this doll-size woman is a perfect replica of his lost love, Alma Mahler, it can simultaneously possess inanimate object as it will be, and be in his company the very presence of a living human being, and passionately loved. It's a fetish is a magical object or structure that wants to own delusional Kokoschka, not an ordinary doll, but that this object is to match its fantasies fanatics, it must first be confusing and a perfect replica of his living model, while having to overcome limitations of simple perfect replica for quite a substitute in the painter's life in his living style and lost.

The command is passed to Hermine Moos is totally senseless and impossible, but it nevertheless accepts it, and the company making this fetish will take place at the intersection of Unreason its sponsor and its artist. Such the situation is complex and knotty, that runs with finesse and strength to both the novel by Helen Frederick: The situation of Hermine Moos plunging into the task, which takes place in a game of possession and 'ROW cross involving Kokoschka (owned by his love for Alma Mahler and wishes, love and Alma, have returned through the doll), Hermine involving itself (under the influence of madness incurred the company and the desire to be ultimately herself the object of desire which the doll will be the recipient and relay) and finally involving inanimate fetish to be the junction interface, the node of this set of desires dialectical.

In his novel, among the pages of the newspaper Hermine Moos, Helen Frederick inserts short scenes from the paintings of Oskar Kokoschka, whose title and date whenever mentioned, that have attitudes, feelings and thoughts of the female model, under the gaze of the Kokoschka during the posing session that was necessary for the canvas. The nature of the narrator of this series scenes of the novel is ambiguous: the first refers the painter's models in the third person, and very soon it will be the models themselves who will be given the floor to the first. At the same time along the progress of the novel, over reading the newspaper Hermine Moos, there is his immersion in the thirst to be the object of desire mad Kokoschka, and substitute Alma Mahler as a model for the doll that she makes. These texts from tables (tables none of which are post 1918 and all that, therefore, existed on the dates of the plot of the novel) function as a series of notes to the positioning of this device Hermine Moos psychological and erotic, and are analogous to that location specific model as an object trapped but also closing in on return, and by fine instinctive tactics resistance, the trap depends on the painter's desire to control.

Soon gradually on both sides of the doll commonly desired, and in its place is Kokoschka and Hermine Moos who in turn become the puppet the game of manipulation. Ermine which undergoes the distance and coldness of the painter Kokoschka and is fully subject to the work of Hermine to his fantasy of owning a fetish of Alma Mahler could be assuaged. The manner, condition, what the young costume Munich to desire to be owned by the painter, as is the doll that she manufactures (by selecting, for example, sometimes as his "client", which echoes the clients of his occasional practice of prostitution) is also a way for her to set itself up as subjects of desire, and tilt towards Oskar Kokoschka the status of being manipulated. So it is for her to be the ultimate object of desire is at the same time, at the cost of attendance of dangerous madness, a construction of herself as a subject of desire it operates.

© Anthony Poiraudeau - 2010


Helen Frederick, The doll Kokoschka , Portraits, 2010

France Culture has recently aired a twofold , titles A Doll what? and the other half of the doll devoted to the order by Oskar Kokoschka, to Hermine Moos, a doll replica Alma Mahler. We hear of Helen Frederick interventions as well as readings from his novel.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hole In Skin From Wart Removal


Camaïeu powder. Crystal garden. Thin ice.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Teatr Opera I Balet Im Iwana Franki W Lwowie

Scope cats

Scope Cats, Sine - Cat No. 16 said "Beaujolais Nouveau " ;-) Anaïs Massini

I spend my days competing my place to the irresistible Red Cat. He who stretches his legs. I, who sit on the edge of the chair. He pushes me again. Him chatting bushes who was able to get through. The Cat who can benefit. The Cat who soothes me.
Today I was delighted to discover in my mailbox chatting with scarlet cheeks. I never tire of observing the work of colors, their shades. And imagine the actions that lead paint brushes. It is really beautiful.
And he also was adopted.
only remains to him find a place to be able to see again.

Thank Anaïs !

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cake Mounting Wedding


I sand out and the oven at my side says five degrees. I sand and I think the days much cooler that will happen.
Then the evening, I knit without stopping. I knit to end
vests, scarves. Large meshes to do battle with the winter we say nearby. Ribs, garter and stocking stitch that I take care of superimposed sand to go.
Near my oven which indicate less than five degrees.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Howto Get Rainbow Puffle

Each solution his problem, the method

In each solution the problem, method graduated

First degree: a situation that sees you involved in a problem that you're not responsible, then it is still possible to settle it favorably or fully repair the damage. Past a possible upset in the making aware of the incident, there is a situation quite pleasant and advantageous, since the problem will be resolved and / or injury compensated under the powerful mechanism encouraging everyone to maintain socially appearances as possible. You no loser and receive an apology, thus having the opportunity to accept or reject them. Accept is strongly recommended, preferably in front of witnesses, the fact that you have been able to reject but you did nothing boosting your indulgence, and get away from potentially damaging feuds in subsequent occurrences. Do you attract the desires of revenge, this is a golden rule that you can not override that some very specific circumstances.

Second degree: a situation that sees you involved in a problem which you are responsible, while it is still possible to settle it favorably or fully repair the damage. The situation is less comfortable, even unpleasant, but usually without consequence beyond the short term. Pretend a clear sense of guilt and a strong desire for redemption, and fix the problem as soon as possible (this step, rough but bearable, is essential for the smooth running of the process). There you will find the opportunity to demonstrate the strength of your conscience and your sense of responsibility to other people involved (who, wishing to display their gentleness and away the avengers, can not deny your excuses and not take note of your scrupulous management of the case).

Third degree: The third situation is: you are involved in a problem that you are not responsible for the consequences of which are not repairable, or the injury compensation. Here, the severity of the damage comes into play, and the response from wrong vary. Some, often Christians, held in face to expiate their guilt and do penance, they feel constantly indebted to you. These take many initiatives to be kind and you will not let you do anything anymore. This scenario is the best of all (he is also affectionately known as "the jackpot") - it was also unlikely, we would encourage everyone to suffer irreparable harm deliberately to benefit. Other troublemakers, facing the certainty of never being able to redeem their guilt, you avoid constantly now, and you offer the guarantee almost complete that you do see them again ever otherwise than by accident, occasions on which they are distinguished by their discretion embarrassed, and inevitably will shorten the interview. In this case, you're losing, there are compensations, however moral and emotional: the feeling of having been a victim of injustice is deeply rewarding and altogether pleasant, and it offers many opportunities to be complaining - that it should be seized - from those that you will maintain the situation. A third scenario resulting from the situation # 3: The author of damage you suffer feels no guilt and feel no guilt, his behavior will in no way altered by the misfortune that made you suffer. This situation, not without being humiliating, the situation is the most painful of all. It does not prevent compensation already mentioned moral and emotional (feelings of injustice and opportunities to be pitied), and most importantly, it presents the very specific circumstances in which revenge is relevant and legitimate, although it must be executed in a way that ensures good protection after the fact.

Fourth degree: the fourth situation, finally, is the most uncomfortable: it is one that involves you in a problem which you are responsible and who is not repairable, or that you do can compensate the damage caused. Only the most skilled and most experienced are able to do then complain with the show - with gooders or at least low - a feeling of guilt by putting them on the rack. Note that this method is advantageous in case of simulation - simulation and credible - this test shame and horror of failing. These feelings actually suffered would make you seriously lose. That is why it is important never to try to redeem yourself: you will not succeed and spend energy still insufficient for these purposes, without ever managing to erase the damage you caused, at least in the spirit of the man or woman who has suffered. The attitude most often recommended is that of indifference, as if you do nothing, you do not avoid those who suffered the consequences of your inconsistencies, and you agree not in any way the mood swings, whatever they are, at their destination. This method is often effective because it is often the dismay or doubt prevent progressive simply treated individuals to react differently than if it had actually nothing happened. People do not forget, they never forget, make no mistake about it, but as time passes, the more it will be difficult, and finally almost impossible to break your habits has introduced Tactical active indifference. However, it should draw attention to the flaw of this method, as was mentioned hollow in our presentation on the third level: it states that acts of vengeance, skillfully executed, do you leave a response as well perilous open war. That is why other methods have our favors, they choose according to his taste for daring and risk balance, and depending on its aesthetic affinities. Let us not forget the possibilities of reversing the steam, ensuring that the person you have wronged you in turn causes so as to suddenly reverse roles and to shift the guilt of the other side of the net. This is a great challenge, which requires from you a good ability to anticipate and organization. Successful, the maneuver is quite enjoyable - it nevertheless has some risks, you should measure from the personality of the target person, you already know the advantage when you choose to go off the incident will be detrimental (to the risks arising and attractions, see the preceding paragraph, with the third situation). An important reference to those who are tempted by this Method: Once the operation completed successfully, the phrase "being left" in no way belongs to your vocabulary. Finally, in the fourth situation, the method of greatest brilliance and panache, which is why we favor, is: do not attempt to bias as possible by keeping your habits while trying to avoid the person you have wronged, then it's your behavior that she would take on all the difficulties that caused the problem you are responsible. Instead, adopt a highly aggressive behavior, even brutal, Be obnoxious as most free to be with the person to whom damage has been caused by your fault. Your attitude is made even crueler by a clear awareness that this person intends to take advantage of his position as victim. You have to take speed without being caught, your ferocity and your rudeness should be explosive and should be deployed in a very short period, a few days at most, but never as a crime or an offense quickly attests. When you reach the excessive and intolerable life changed immediately, move away, leaving your job and cut all the bridges that allow you to find your target without having to implement very large and expensive effort. This method has a cost, we agree - but leveled at a high dose of verbal abuse and moral evil will inevitably - if not traumatic in the best case - the person with whom you had made a mistake not to buy . And when the other loses, you win: you have returned a situation that you were not conducive to starting yet. Let us never despair, solutions still exist.

© Anthony Poiraudeau - 2010

A version of this text was first published on the convoy glossolalists in four episodes of 7 to 10 September 2010.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is Costco A Vsp Provider?


Roundnesses and thorns.
satisfactions and frustrations.
Laughter and sadness.
The ambivalences of a Thursday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Brain Tumors From Neuroglia


Skin blue red cabbage. Thick Skin, mottled, somewhat contested. Thick leather and fine veins. Smooth skin. Sometimes withered. Some scars.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Can I Wash My Suede Moccasins

blue peaks

Longer mountains already so white and not stop once your feet wet. The ocean. Its waves like mountains. So close to the sun. Only a few brave surfers dare to confront. Skip
minutes, hours to marvel before the show. Drunkenness provide that the waves. Both sweet and terribly violent. A ballet incessant, perpetual motion.
Enjoy the sun red and kind of November, the spray in your hair. The ocean and its waves lull my fatigue. I try to absorb some of their strength.