Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Want To Put Different Hairstyles On My Head

CM: Legacy rhetoric


This whole idea of this from the start. Now we are already immersed in Teckn Rhetorik .

Book I, chap. 2, Rhetoric of Aristotle:
"Rhetoric is the ability to consider each question which may be unique to persuade."

De Oratore, Cicero, Book I, chap. 31, § 137 -> that this is the product of precepts:
"So I learned that the first duty of the speaker is talking and then to persuade the matter of eloquence is to issue a general notion ... "

short, a deeply practical dimension.
He also has 3 duties copresent:

Docere (logical proof)

volving (proof pathetic)

delectare or placere

If it fails one of the three, it may not persuade.

I The five parts of rhetoric.
literal translation from the Latin -> good translation would be "split". Quintilian distinguishes 5 while Aristotle has only 4.

1/The inuentio.
We'll have to methodically go for ideas.

-> Should define the debate. Already, thesis or hypothesis?
-> Should qualifying 'cause.
-> Looking for arguments. Is within the topical -> it's a "store", a space that places orders = fundamental schemas of reasoning that are available all the time. What will be most relevant? We'll have to choose. It is an Aristotelian concept. They are operating as if they are formulated.

a) A first distinction commonplace VS specific place.

(The Latin words c munis).
It means that this kind of argument is transverse, not specific to a genre or a particular category.
specific locations: + particularly unique to any particular genre.

type of speech -> better place
court -> right / wrong
deliberative -> happiness preferable useful / useless
demonstrative -> beautiful / ugly

The notion of commonplaces has nothing to do with how it is used normally.

b) Classification logical places extrinsic / intrinsic sites.
intrinsq Places = those which are the responsibility of the eloquence of the speaker.
Places = extrinsq those from elsewhere, which is not itself guarantee but on which we can rely.

2 / dispositio.
= composition, mep matter.

It is therefore the construction phrase structure of speech. The tradition concerning the extremely varied. Here, we will be more on the Latin tradition qu'aristotélicienne.

The oratory we have chosen for this speech = speech judiciary -> organized into sequences, whose main steps are:

- the exordium:
is as the preamble. It allows the mep speech conditions. Goal: To attract the goodwill of the audience ( captatio beneuolentiae ) and build credibility.
For this, we must start from the idea as the speaker for our good. It's time to please, to seduce (etymology: to bring itself ...).

- narratio:
must be clear. It's time Docere.

- the refutatio:
is a step argument for a good +. Refute, argue it in reverse. Here, one is still in the Docere.

- The confirmatio.

(Regardless of the order between refutatio and confirmatio long as it's PROGRESSIVE! He must hide, according to the Nestorian available, the weak argument by framing it between two strong arguments.)

We quickly thought, to keep audience attention, should make such courses digression = = > way into the placere.

- the peroration:
His goal is not to produce a logical syllogism. Goal is to move from intellectual assent to the enthusiasm. It draws together, we will make the amplification and, more importantly, it adds to the emotion (pathos search then).

3 / elocutio (lexis = Aristotle).
is the stage of the development discourse. Designed by the Romans as the dress of a skeleton. We go from QQC to the disembodied flesh.

It was very like DVPE chapter: large Aristotle and even more imp. in Latin textbooks.

the heart: the concept of actum.
= convenience. But this thought is pluralistic.

This step may give rise to manuals on anything but her.
De + posterity great! We constantly reuses concepts from there: a stylistic category is in. There's even more:
- Agenda lexicon: word choice, their difference, the exotic, the semantic precision.
- on the order of the sentence structure (période. ..), the phrases (the cola Greek), the pace and number, syntax.
- on the order of sounds: it is well - developed, and almost forgot! - In our modern world. This is for example the question of euphony against the cacophony, seeking the causes (hiatus) and reflections on the harmony of its binding -> capital to read the verses.
- Figures: huge undertaking taxonomy (competition Latin / Greek, eg antanaclasis = diaphora).

a ° tripartition styles.

Aristotle does not know: it dates back to Cicero. Combination of several things. Originally, u no style. to another -> in theory, ok, but in practice there is a tropism toward the sublime style -> at a time, to the seventeenth, there was a desire to + + +-style way.

¤ low style: humilis ( comes from humus, earth) or tenuis (= does not help much)

No ornaments.

is bright to the point.

Is based on a very simple, one seeks the natural, the nearest of ordinary language -> seeking membership in this probability.

Most: energy, strength of conviction.

The -: drought, meanness.

¤ style medium / mediocre floridus (including humanists use the word).

Hosts ornaments provided it is free (not euphony.). Dedicated to the descriptions, the narrative with dialogue (see Plato's Phaedrus prologue), the fictions.

The -: frivolity possible!

¤ elevated style: heroic or sublime (sub / Limis: above threshold, or Grau)

Most worked the 3 is inside that can be deployed head eloquence.

The -: risk of swelling or coldness rhetoric => He has made quite a treasure, and nothing happens, true failure ("failure" on the side of volving).

b ° Wheel of Virgil.

See SCEM poly TD.

It is found in graphical form from the M-A. Virgil pk ? PCQ was considered the poet most complete. We may decline the various elements of this wheel -> systematic reflection on the literature. + In this diagram excellent mnemonic.

had also begun to do with the 3 main characters of The Iliad -> inside, there is a variation of styles depending on the characters.

4 / Memory.
seem exotic today with written culture.
In oral culture (which lasted until the end of the Ancien Regime), the memory training is essential: it must be remembered without any notes!
therefore had to develop mnemonic devices ( found nothing there on it before the Rhetorica Herennius.
What is the principle? Visual but both mentally.
Must identify a space that one can restrict a to visit its always in the same direction. At every place of this course are placed in sequence one after another in different places. But how to remember words, not only plan? In each place, to represent an image that will only have to verbalize.
(Ex witness's thinking of goat testicles!)
When the actio , there is more than mentally retrace!! We understand how St. Thomas Aquinas was 5 to dictate things at the same time.
Mini bibliog ':
See Yates, The Has Memory.
see Wikipedia's article on "The Art of Memory "
5 / The actio , performance.
Is every time a single thing -> Think eloquence body, voice -> there are 4 things: the height, power, tone and flow.
All paraverbal is committed to: facial expression, gaze, Soucila inflection, gestures posture, but especially the hands -> cf. Tables -> everything was coded! It is a true semiotic gesture.
Manifestations of expr. Physical: crying, blushing, laughing => expr learn these heads of the passions of the soul for the speaker.
See Quintilian (we do not find this idea in Aristotle)
see Mathieu-Castellani The rhetoric of the passions.
See Lucie Desjardins The speaking body.
II 3 kinds of speech.
This typology has a pragmatic basis -> everything is related to context, purpose and context in which it operates. It was introduced by Aristotle and never questioned even if not always gender equal (if only in passing that Fed. To Empire in Rome!). Only the demonstration continues.
1 / judiciary.
Institutional framework: the court.
Public Justice is established.
speaker Activity: acknowledge (indictment) or defend (advocacy)
Activity: judge -} we arrive at a sentence. Facts
concerned: those of the past.
preferential locations: just and unjust. Fashion
favorite deductive.
style most suitable: low, humble (but not rule).
2 / deliberative.
Setting: meeting (policy).
Target: body citizens.
Activity orator recommend or advise. Facts
concerned: those of the future.
Preferred method: inductive.
preferred style: rather the sublime.
3 / epideictic (or demonstrative).
Setting: conference room, declamation.
audience: spectators.
speaker Activity: praise or blame.
Audience: applause or not.
fact as this.
preferential Places: beautiful or ugly.
Preferred mode of amplification.
Style privileged rather the means.
The latter has a great power by reaffirming the values of a society.
III evidence.
The first big difference between technical evidence (we discuss here) and extra-technical evidence (not here). These are the 3 technical evidence that will link the Roman tradition to the 3 duties of the speaker.
-logical proofs: those within a discurisve rationality, it urges the content of the talk: Docere.
- proof Ethics succession of ethos, ie of the figure of speech that he built, it is in say placers.
- evidence pathetic notes of pathos, which agitates us, how he arouse emotions of his audience. We're in it. MOVERS.
For all the rhetorical tradition, these three proofs are equally valid. That said, there is every suspicion of Port Royal, but it is marginal. And could deepen + logical proof, so there are a refinement of reasoning, because of the dialectic.
1 / logical proof.
a ° The forms of argument.
ID for a membership transfer of premises (endoxal) -> ccl, we can distinguish four main types and possibly a fifth.
¤ syllogism: struct. basis for any logic. But ps is the priority mode of the Rhaeto.
¤ enthymeme: form in which this is the arg. most often.
¤ épichérème: is a versio amplified syll. : There will be 3 proposisions needed it. But instead of a gaunt form, it will articulate the reasons for emphasizing the premise. Real educational value -> very operative in oral.
¤ sorites: could be closer to the previous one because it is a Sunday in magnified and justification of syll. MS will make gradual substitution of predicates to obtain the predicate will conclude. So we will defer the final predicate. It will feel like being stuck if we admitted 1, 2, 3 ... -> We will not result in not only goal.
NB the arg. or hypothetical supposition (= arg. ad absurdo ). It is a bad arg. but ... it is very practical in a controversy!
b ° modes of reasoning.
It's a reminder.
¤ reasoning by example: induction From = case overall.
¤ deductive reasoning: that's where the syllogism and enthymeme.
c ° The types of logical proofs: intrinsic vs. extrinsic.
is a questionable classification: Various models have been developed. Here, it is based on the logic Bossuet.
¤ places Intrinsic will be the most numerous.

- evidence etymology or derivation: can be based on the history of a word etc.. (The classical centuries, it could be quite specious, not. Étymos with false).

- evidence définction or Division: divided the word -> it, super usual.

- proof by genus and species: we will think in detail in properties of the genus and species (=> reflection on hypernyms / hyponyms).

-proof by the clean and the accident = own which is definitional and consubstantial. = Evnt particular accident (eg, be patient.). Please do not treat the accident as the clean or it is a fallacy!

-proof by similarity or dissimilarity.

- evidence by proportional comparison: we will compare what is most likely. This is the argument a fortiori.

-evidence of the cause or effect / / a priori or retrospectively.

- contrary or inconsistent evidence: if x incompatible with y, we can not move x and y together.

-rather than quantity.

town of the best.

Bossuet had understood that there was an intermediate location ...

¤ place intermediate example.

Intermediate will take as its base QQC ext. the logos.

Bossuet shows the difference between example and illustration, but also the model. He distinguishes also various examples, those from history, from those of fiction and, for Aristotle, those based on a mythology.

¤ extrinsic sites.

Bossuet calls "places of authority from" God and man! If this is not the same plane, they are comparable in their operation: faith in its etymological sense of fides, ie of the trust. It is therefore not debatable unless rebel ...

- divine authority: Based on the Bible and the Patristic (Fathers have an authority sufficient). It still belongs to art since the common culture, so this is not debatable!

- human authority:

* force the laws, judgments.

+ * General Authority: feelings of mankind, "laws of nature" (ie killing)

* the authority of the sages.

* fame.

d ° The question of sophistry.

ATT. there is a difference with a failure of logic, which is not intentional!

Here there is a TRUE DECEPTION is voluntary. It looks like the truth, but that does is ps.

See Franz Van Dorst Eenieren and Rol Grosten The new dialectic: pragmatic fallacy argument.

Some examples:

-Arg. ad hominem: demolish the thesis of the opponent rather than what he di on but himself to discredit what he said.

- Arg. ad baculum: (= stick!) Arg. by the threat: prohibit the adversary to speak using intimidation.

- Arg. ad misericodiam : ie-d involving the mercy of another.

- The "slippery slope" : you use the arg. the other for manipulation.

2 / Proof ethics.

Eastern SUBJECT order -> ethos in question is that of the speaker. Must intervene to make the speech -> that's why we can look for markers of ethos.

a) In the Greek tradition.

Aristotle completely discursive -> a-moralist position completely neutralized because the question of sincerity. It has defined 3 data:

Probity: often translated as "virtue." Ridge is polysemous Greek. Word for word, is the quality -> where a polysemous word translation into Latin virtus .

Prudence, Judgement: Phronesis , cap 'analysis, intelligence in Greek -> judicium.

Benevolence: eunoia ( mind the general sense, with affect) -> have the right spirit -> beneuolentia. must give the image of qqun who does not seek its own interest but that of others.

See Rhetoric of Aristotle.

The hypocrisy is entirely possible -> cf. good example. in Racine's Athalie (III, 4).

b) In the tradition of Latin mores.

Manners oratories.

The difference does not analyze but where the position of Aristotle is fully discursive, social status has also its place! This is a pre-discursive ethos which can immediately give credibility to the speaker -> it's a pre-supposed. We find the idea of vir bonus. We understand that the Christian tradition will resume the Christian tradition will resume that tradition: the Christian orator will credit it is given from on high! From there, we could add a component 4EM:

modesty: (Attn not meanness!). This is a utterance position.

3 / Evidence pathetic.

As a subjective -> this time concerning the provisions of the audience. There is thus a sort of bet at the beginning ...

He will try to provoke the passions that are conducive to its purpose.

a) Theorizing.

To produce a treatise on rhetoric, he needed a treatise on the passions -> + they are for a particular age, there are plenty of differences. Two different aims:

- rhetoric: it seeks to the cause!

- poetic for making characters who are credible.

b) Reconciliation ethics evidence / proof pathetic.

The two are subjective. ethos is a mediator for the production of pathos MS plans are different.

Write rewrite IV: the preparatory exercises.

junction point between Rhaeto and literary. There are plenty of tracks and what was practiced throughout rhetoric. The idea is that we do not create scratch -> it's still a form of rewriting. The invention is not created.

Imitation entrusted to the great models. There are 3 ways to imitate.

1 / A component epideictic.

-> praise: and, for the more advanced, the paradoxical praise. (See entire literary tradition around it ... Praise paradox of Gorgias to Molière P. Dandrey).

-> blame.

2 / A component descriptive.

-> the ekphrasis: it is a genre in itself. eg description of the shield of Achilles in The Iliad . We will stand in the middle of the stage as if we were there -> notion of enargeia . This is particularly linked to the figure of hypotyposis. When you go to the end of the end, one wonders if this is true (see "Night Effect" in Saturnian Poems of Verlaine's not true, the description of a table).

3 / A discursive component.

-> the éthopée : give a speech to an entity, a character to build a character. An ethical image for this character. See the kind of the Heroides.

-> the prosopopoeia: is impossible to hold a speech by the narrator (or dialogue of the dead).


Saturday, November 10, 2007

What Does Sore Shoulder Ectopic

Grammar: Comparative lexicology

following the course of TD grammar of Voltaire on the lexicon with some reminiscence of course ^ ^ Momo, typed by me (or servant class but it's less ...)


1) Training in diachrony:

- Words hereditary: inherited from an ancient language and having undergone phonetic evolution
Ex: < animam
soul - Words borrowing: the ancient or modern language at Throughout history
Ex: piano < italien

2) Training in synchrony:

- built Tags: internal structure that connects them with plr or other language words → built with 1 or plr morphemes can e set value test "substitution" and that can be replicated in other words => report on their training
Ex: pick up / set down
- simple words: containing a single morpheme
Ex: night

3) Formation of words ending

: mark vbale bending, gender and nb names and adj → eg do-i-ez
Affix: mark the derivation → eg infeasible
Radical: what remains when I remove the affixes and inflections → ex: = infeasible-do-(the radical does is not necessarily a token)
basis: the original word → eg infeasible = "make" (token)

a / Bypass directed relation between a word and a second which is the base
Ex: → impolite polite = base by another adjective suffix

o Derivation affixal: attention to values of affixes! Prefix

§ § § Parasynthétique
Suffix: simultaneous adding a prefix and suffix
Ex: → yoke base = "room"
endocentric: The term derivative belongs to the same grammatical category as its base (the majority of prefixes)
exocentric: change grammatical category between the base and derivative term. O Derivation

not affixal: without adding an affix, derivation of a word to another by simply changing grammatical category (called: improper diversion, conversion, or recategorization transcatégorisation)
Ex: pink = both name and adjective (N> WO = diachrony by metonymy) → Pb
syntactic or morphological? => Need for contxt determined the nature of the word in the sentence.

b / In composition: assumes "formants" autonomous units (morphology) even truncated (Pvent not be a graphics unit)
Eg core meaning rude → → 2
portfolio elements complete words by composition
marks the composition:
- welding: portfolio, tips, vinegar
- hyphen: robin, wallet
- Phrase frozen: potato, couch (the referent changes if we change one element)
RMQ "the scholarly com" words formed from elements borrowed from Greek or Latin
Ex: miso / gyne who does
not / women →
compound word to frçais lexical units from Greek => ≠ inherited from the Greek, they did not exist!

There are compound terms in all grammatical categories
Prep 'against' cons = → = 1 token because I can substitute a word
vbale Phrase: "take wrinkling"
Determiner: "a little of "
pronoun" it "," anyone "
Sentence:" A good cat, good rat "...

N Near learned composition and derivation
Ex:" phile "= forming autonomous (" fact love "), but tjr not added to another Greek element → "cinephile" => "phile" is becoming an affix


1) Intension / extension: Extension
: all referents designated
Intension: all traits which constitute its Sé
Ex: flower → extension = tulip, pink ...
intension = plant, colorful, consisting of a pistil and stamens ...

2) Denotation / connotation:
Denotation: intension, ie, all semantic features
Connotation: semantic values from second grafted on the denotative meaning:
- register of language
- emotional content of the speaker
- cultural and ideological context of the speaker
Ex: = unmarked police / cop register = pet + pejorative connotation - Ms: mm denotation: official responsible for maintaining order ...
Pb can not tjr opp denotation and connotation => also known as connotation, "semes related"

3) Semantic Relations:

a / Hyperonymy / → hyponymy relation of inclusion: a specific word (Hyponym) binds to a G word (hypernym)
Ex: Flower> Rose plant
> flower
=> Relationship inclusions successive apparel> coats> coat ... → to specify the meaning of a term

b / Synonym: semantic equivalence relation between two words - M: jms exact, it is called quasi synonymy parasynonyms

c / Antonym: adversarial relationship between two terms
- for exclusive disjunction: alive / dead
- without tripping exclusive, when the term denotes a qlté scalable: large / small
- relationship complementation permutation of arguments: husband / wife, teacher / student; own / belong

d / polysemy / homonymy:
wiki: formal identity (or homography homophony) resulting from different etymon
Ex: ape = ape and money
Polysemy: question context (as opposed to monosemic)
Ex: coverage = idea to cover, protect (books, cloth, house ... literally) social protection / social hiding illegal act (figuratively) Comment

Friday, November 9, 2007

Electric Motor Simple Labled

Commentary - Chairs suffering and torment of death

very appetizing on the four texts of the program, enjoy!


- Four works: revolve around the issue of death.
- Four extracts: characters address the scandal of suffering, each time heralding the death of an inevitable death after which there is no question of second sight → Life is played entirely at the time of death and is threatened disappear forever.
Description - physical, either present or perspective.
Seneca: Hercules burns everywhere and revolt against the intolerable pain that the terrace, he, the eternal winner
Balde description of death by the chorus that wants dissuade them from abandoning Menulema → determination of the central character is never questioned
Claudel: Princess would not die was crucified by the deserter
Suares: PE and PS leaves his city in ruins which they were hunted and march toward death.
→ Passing strange that reverses its entirety. Be understood in relation to the issue of the scene in the room announced by Thanatos: before us the background of nature contemplates human nature ie after loss of innocence (represented by Elly) => cons transition nature (nature is my enemy)
=> PS slowing facing death and the current PE y → paradox ruined city behind / before death => ≈ counterpoint other txt: Hell in the living world, everything is directed v. Death (EP = bad / PS ≠ acceptance of death allows highlighting of his brother)
- 5 → royal personages or important challenge: to overcome by force of will the suffering and fear of death to gain glory and kingship real ( that acts Vs birth)

Pb: How the suffering and death they come in conflict with the humanity of characters who come through a stoic acceptance of their fate and force of their will, to overcome and transcend these two scandals of the human condition, exceeding this humanity?

suffering and death as proof of mankind
II-borne suffering and death: a way towards overcoming this humanity


1) DESCRIPTION OF CHAIRS suffering from:

- Expression of physical suffering goes largely by isotopies of the body and anatomy with a vocabulary raw and realistic, if not thorough in the case of Seneca.

a / Seneca vocabulary raw and realistic with careful description of the anatomy and progress of the disease in the body: o
Infixus meas medulla: deep in my marrow rejection
→ o Arents fiber dry fiber to rhyme
→ o sanguinis
o tumida pulmonis: lung swollen
o Sicato iecur: burns my liver to rhyme →
Cutem o: o skin
Members: Members
o Hausi medulla: burn my marrow
ossibus vacuis o: my bones empty
o Direpta cute The skin torn to rhyme →
- progress to actual destruction of the body: growth in poorly marked by a series of chain: each body part affected by the disease has consequences on others to form a vicious circle from outside the body to go up at its deepest Chairs> causing decay> break his body from the inside and brought down the whole building (compagibus Chat: broken frame)
Cancer fixed in spinal
Sanguinis vigor> distended> arent fibras pulmonis
Ardet faddle> siccato> iecur
Lentus Vapor> AuEx> sanguinem
=> Cutem> membrane> latus> artus> medulla> ossibus < corpus
- Hercules: burning building metaphor: expresses his immense body and ferocity of the evil that is devouring, destroying his huge frame:
isotopy → Building and Fire: feruida Beach, Arents, ardet, siccato + urita, Exed, hausa, consumpsit / / x2 pestis (illness / ruin, destruction), Rupts (rupture), compagibus (construction consisting of an assembly), discussion (smashed) colapse ( collapse)
=> annihilation of the body.

b / Claudel anticipation of the death of Princess by imagination + description of a deserter by Princess → isotopy suffering
o Attaches the skin on your shoulders: animal skin is covered dt - M: flayed alive, his own skin that bare flesh below the arm => te dismemberment Tear
o legs o
Ravens t'extirperont eyes
o nails are driven to the head o
My blood spurted upward, and he fell on my head and down along my body
o I'm suffocating
- Purpose of Suffering (hands), which can cause the movements (or states) and their consequences. [Support vb rather than nouns]
o I fixed
o o I can not trampling on earth
o If I stay, laying on two feet
o If I stand on tiptoe
→ list + parallelism construction which stresses the impossibility of finding a non-painful position.

v. Balde: body does not express the pain of dying but death distress facing nightmarish vision of death as a human truncated.
- Description by the negative, vanity described → enumeration of all the physical elements that lacks → Ghosting : Personification of Death + description of the body (of Menulema) after death.
o o Nullo Nullo capillos
color → hypozeuxe
Oculo carens
o o o Binos orbeis vacuos
Auribus obsolete
o Naribus trunci → hypozeuxe
Balde here combines the annihilation of the body and that of the senses no longer see, hear Moreover, no longer feels ... => collective imagination of the human meaning of death private, and sunlight (wan), without self-consciousness (NEC tuetur ipsum)

d / Suares: two Once the question of suffering because there are two characters → Parliament does not suffer but still evokes his martyrdom neighbor PS suffers walking, anxiety before his death but did not directly evokes the suffering → through those of his brother: I resolved to do what you 'I will be there => opposition brother and sister used to emphasize the character nature of PE-cons: do not suffer, cold face of death, radical opposition to his sister.
- Vocabulary raw, distorting the human body until no longer look like a man, even likened to a quarter of meat: o
feet mangled ankle
o My stumps who cut your throat
o o o Slaughterhouse
I hang with fangs (...) shared by the community, my liver to one side, and my heart the other ancient sacrifice →
o o Blood
- Opposition highlighted by colors: Yellow Emperor and nature all green = Queen Jade (green too) → PE vs. nature, inhuman:
see the first assassination attempt ac strychnine (alkaloid toxic poison against pests)

e / Pain concentrated on a limb emblematic strong symbolic significance in the passage or work.
- Seneca: Chairs in general and spinal → causing the collapse of his body after his bones are empty
→ occurrences x3 (to dismiss after vb) => gnawing from within => reduced its body, the source of its strength.
- Balde: vanity and double symbolism → no question of suffering => symbolizes death, husband chosen by Menulema (blank = die in the heart of the passage)
- Claudel: hands, causing pain => tool Charity Princess + JC approximation
- Suares: SP → feet suffer on the road that leads to death, the power to slow down while his brother ahead and pulls violently behind him (Why do you pull it di hard with you?) → opposition attitude PE / PS on the road to death


- Characters helpless before death and unexpected natural death inevitable ever → no n'al'âge => forced.
- Two types of anxiety: o ≠
life after death → unknown, nil + pain that lasts [the body of Hercules disappears] o
Unexpected Death project contradicts (Hercules, PE)
- Death puts men on equal ac → common destiny reveals their humanity with their anxiety and vulnerability.

a / Seneca: Hercules at the peak of his fame does not accept the pain that gnaws = scandal. Hopeless suffering and death causes him to revolt.
- x2 Nefas to rhyme, "which is contrary to every principle," contrary to the will of the gods "," what is impious "→ scandal of suffering reached such a pitch that it can not accepted by ê the gods.
- Double anxiety early : Interjection Eheu + accusative of exclamation: o Shame
its weakness will make him pay up his tears, can not physically endure pain → Unde iste fletus; Tibi kept united and ante omnis mihi primo ("First, before all, you've torn tears ") o Death
shameful → Perdida totiens honestam mortem (both times I lost a glorious death)
- Anxiety expressed by ac personification of pain growing determination: (Part 1) Scorpios quis, quis cancer> nefas> pestis> malum → ask about pain, pain progression marking governs vb (consumpsit, fecit, abstulit, Exed)
=> pv → evil gnawing body to disappear - M: no chairs sufferers who turn into decay (rot then disappear even if there were more chairs): rot = independent entity , consuming, requiring fuel => Pesti satisfactory Herculea non sunt membra => the body is not enough, disappears, but the rest rot.
Ms: invisible entity, fear of the unknown that announces death → es Omne malum nullumque ("You are all evil and you're still none"); voltus quis tibi is? ("What is thy face")
- Anxiety is finally focuses on shame this inglorious death

b / Balde: anxiety expressed by Menulema → Never ever comes back on its decision
- Vision horror of skull traditional image of death, loss of sense of life engulfment → Tenebricosi oris antrum ("the dark cavern of a mouth" to rhyme).
- Taboo: Do not name the dead, through paraphrases (Feral, Turpie, faevum (...) → monstrum inclusion of prohibition in the middle of paraphrasing), metaphor (AFIS larva; monstrum x2 rhyme capital ac ) and description.
- Inhuman : Imago say foo (...) has figured entertains => cf. Seneca ≠ face
vanity → = new husband of the Virgin

v. Claudel Princess will not die initially → anguish at the prospect of pain, and time that must elapse before death.
- Calls to witness the sun: the master of time, marks the day of discharge (the deserter gave night ultimatum) → insensible viewer who does not press or slows
=> up x3: graduation until the end + O apostrophes hands! x3, O light, O sun, O God x2 → rapp. nails to the head => idea of extreme perseverance, nothing shorten, drink the chalice to the dregs.
- Regret what she lost: marriage analogy nails ac / links wedding.

Suares: anxiety represented by PS who refuses to move forward.
- You're not a good brother, you are cruel you're wicked more wicked (...) more terrible than the enemy? → Report to the brother who does not feel the same anguish.


- Three times a question of marriage ac ac death → relationship replaces the human marriage => final annihilation since by definition unfit to give life.

- Balde: theme = Moreri part virgo (prevents the Messiah) → has a fiance but he prefers death => Rubentibus, comely, quos noster Orbis offered sponsa valere primrose! ("After dismissing the betrothed beautiful and healthy that offers you the Earth") ≠ Isti monstro nubes ("this monster is going to marry you")
- Central Question of the passage, highlighted by an effect of Insertions at the end ac demonstrative isti and monstro to rhyme after description => conclusion = rhetorical construction.

- Claudel: association between hand selected by nails and contained in links wedding → But these nails you best [as husbands]

- Suares: EP wants to kill the PS to save the honor of the dictator → Dynasty think you apart in bed / / You girls Emperor, you're always ready to relive slavery layer => to avoid ac common enemy, the married ó Ellys death is in love with death. Weddings
x3 ó double annihilation

TRANSITION : People recover their full humanity when confronted ê common destiny.
No mention of life after death: annihilation of man → importance of moving life / death = ultimate action
Recognition inevitable death + superior force => overcome by accepting an optical scope changes Stoic →



- Four royal personages + Hercules claiming divinity / / Menulema: daughter of Judge victorious = high status.

a / Suffering and death are questioning their status: challenge vis-à-vis the death
- Hercules extraordinary work, demanding deity => suffering and death are questioning his claims by pointing to his humanity unworthy → him.
- Princess: killed by a deserter wants revenge → humiliating, shameful => must take its place and endure: WOMAN! I am a Queen! The Supreme Human dignity was handed to me and I can not be stripped (...) What is common between you and me?
- EP: deposed from his throne, banished from town, dynasty threatened by invader will join her sister → I am deprived of his reign.

b / Menulema: opposition chorus / Menulema death → = honorific for her since the beginning => defeat of the choir that wants to block the road
→ ≠ Hercules and PE: scandal here is to try to prevent it from dying → Ut non revertar calle recto ad patrem? Ut me retardet frigidus Leti pavor! ("What I do not return straight to my father?" What do I delay the cold fear of death! ")

v. PS: paradox of suffering that marks his royal rank (A festering my stumps which recognizes the highest princesses) => = scandal how death affects it: hand of his brother who survives him not want her (You do not reign in my place)
=> one who will not submit to death and who do not transcend → counterpoint: = marked pain of his rank.


- Passage to bring characters to take their death: awareness of the inevitability of death "is useless to fight> Optical stoic acceptance of what No longer in their power, we must assume death (mortal Hercules pr)
- Time to stop on a slope where decides to take destiny in hand.

a / Seneca last sentence of the first part = pivot: quantum pro is quod malum esse vastum fateor.
- Cease to denigrate because of its weakness due to mortal pain → student, recognizes and gdeur pv / / recall of its work force back on his own (Hydra and Cerberus) => returns them to an equal more shameful to suffer.
- Allusion to Cerberus, has already conquered death →
challenge - Mihi ignotum malum: standard for monster implies that he has battled all
- Nelle progress in training of evil as a subject: interjection (o dirum malum!) + is for him to P2 and imperative (process)
- The opponent recognizes as its → compares their attitude size: the sum to show the big day (process) ó v. 1516.17 Palam x2 rhyme => the call to him, wants to know its bad to assume it fully, many questions about identity.

b / Balde: determining Menulema

v. Claudel burst of kingship articulated around conjunction, but turning → = But it is well well and I will not complain. I will die standing, as it is very suitable for people of my race (I'll die standing isolation)

d / Suares: none → counterpoint changes position.

e / Why die? Submit to the stronger power that gives them their death ó compared to those who kill
Seneca destiny / gods> stoicism
Menulema: father and vow to God> Obedience
Princess: deserter> royal rank
=> Counterpoint PS → cons brother killed by nature, inhuman.


- Once accepted the inevitability of death and superiority of this fatality: death equation and royal status> obligation to transcend death after fully assumed.
- Purpose: keep royal status and go further by getting either from birth but by deeds.

a / Seneca: Hercules recognizes pain as a worthwhile adversary after recalling its own value => O malum Hercules simile → ac glorious death his match.
- Opponent rose to its height: Hercules remains the reference name of the force → x2 the end of two passes = U for force measurement of pain.
- Pain is the ultimate list of his work after work → strengthens its glory by submitting to the gods and fate that caused proudly at the beginning.
ó Hercules fights monsters Rapp. Jephtias, death is a monster, the ultimate monster, one who always ends up getting the men - Pb control its destiny → Hercules dies qd mm but on its own and by his own rules.
short for him: "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death" J

b / Balde: Menulema does not flex and win victory vs. those who wanted to divert his duty => crowning glory of his life = death by his father and obedience to God, died for his country; doubly glorious as foreshadowing Christ's choir while criticizing his death as a virgin for fear of missing Messiah.

v. Claudel endure suffering to prove her royal rank, fully assumes his death
- crucified position becomes natural to a king's daughter (I will die standing, as it is very suitable for people of my race) = Hercules increasing his punishment by lying down on a pyre while his body burns PrtT
→ I am attached to the pole! but my soul is Royal not begun, and thus, this place is as honorable a throne.
- Pass the test of his humanity and his kingdom → right to call for help, right to hope, the last words of the passage: "O God, have mercy on me!
=> For positive despite the death of Cebes tragic situation would not die but takes => will be able t of gold (part of new men) Do not ask
intercession after proving his will, can ê low prst + known charity, so can use ≠ Cebes claiming redemption Head of gold did not know love and could not help it.
=> can give hope and charity Tête d'qd die.
=> identification with Christ in torment stresses apotheosis cry at the end = 2 possibility:
o "Abba" cry of anguish (Eli Eli lema sabacthani)
o 'Jesus remember me "cry of hope , prayer for redemption.

d / Suares: total annihilation without changing
PS + PE = 1 man → divided into two => ≠ shameful humanity must have its weak side + Pr voluntary human being (≠ abnormal fear of death and suffering)

- All characters ac suffering in perspective and present, and facing death → anxiety brings out their humanity> will start to fight paradoxically ≠ evil - M: Acceptance => transcend death.
- ≠ life after death → pb: human face to what he most human: death => assume his death is beyond his humanity and therefore exceed that includes the mortal condition.
=> scandal pain = the ultimate tool for real crowning glory.
- Double issue Tete d'Or Seneca: will + stoicism.